Monday 23 March 2015

Further thoughts

Well to date I feel like I've spent more time fettling and maintaining the C0 than I have using it. To date I've had to adjust the cross slide gibs numerous times, I have just lapped it in so fingers crossed that it should be more reliable in that respect. In addition I have had to adjust the shear plates, this is a real fiddle as the metal base has to be removed to gain access, to remove the base the electronics have to be taken off. I'm not keen on the adjustment method. There are 2 grub screws to adjust the height and 2 cap bolts to hold each shear plate down. Sounds good in theory but tightenin the cap bolts flexes the shear plate, so finding a balance is time consuming and not very repeatable. I expect I'll have a redesign and go for some kind of brass gib type of arrangement. Something for me to mull over and research. Either that or thicker shear plates and shims.

While looking for a project I came across the steam engine kits from PM research in the States. These are available from (No affiliation.) I decided on the 3A steam engine as an interesting little project.

(Product image.)

The kit supplies a set of castings, including base, flywheel, cylinder and steam chest and various bits n bobs, in addition bar stock, screws and gasket material is in the box. All in an unfinished state and all aluminium unlike the advertised photo, this is clearly stated in the blurb, a brass and iron version is available, at least in the states.

Next step is work out how to machine the base and then progress from there.

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